the words are quickly run through and we're left with no more possible games. also the options are slim to begin with. I've encountered many of the words they pose anyway. I'm not a big fan of this rather stupid game.
works as advertised, but dictionary of possible words is small and prone to repeats within the same game.
I was very disappointed with this app. I thought it was a pass and play game where each person would type their fake definition, and then one person would choose which they thought was real/best. Instead you still need paper and pencil to play. Also the "word" is in very small font in corner of screen which makes it hard for people to see while writing, and for some reason the internet has to be on/allowed in order to play (no "word" showed up when internet was off). Unless you really need this app as a timer and score keeper, you might as well use any dictionary (app or book) and paper and pencils to play instead
Great app
We didn't have a dictionary on vacation and this worked great as a substitute for Balderdash. I think we'll just stick with Bluffington from now on. Family of 5 laughed so hard for several hours. We didn't use the score keeping (pen & paper were fine). However, the words were fantastic & the timer very helpful. It was also nice to have a set of rules handy.
Great party game!